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Dr. Kelvin Ngo & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly dentists and staff who make Eye Love Smiles Eye and Dental Care, the leading provider of oral hygiene and personalized dental services in Glendale.



Dr. Ngo is what we call a gentle giant. He provides a wide range of dentistry with utmost care, honesty, and compassion.
He understands that every patient is different, and carefully listens to your needs.

Dr. Ngo is committed to providing high quality dentistry with the most advanced materials and technology available. Dr. Ngo and his staff will work very hard for you to provide thebest dental care while making you feel at home.

Dr. Ngo obtained his Bachelors of Science from the University of California, Irvine. He worked for two years as a research scientist in Los Angeles, CA before traveling across the country to study dentistry at Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine. After obtaining his Doctorate of Dental Medicine, Dr. Ngo continued on to a general practice residency at Kings County Hospital Center in Brooklyn, NY. He has since been practicing dentistry in the Phoenix Metro area.

Outside of work, Dr. Vu and Dr. Ngo are married with a family of four young sons and two dogs. As a family, they enjoy the desert life and love to explore the outdoors.

STACEY – Hygienist

Stacey Martinez graduated with honors in Dental Hygiene from Rio Salado College and became a Registered Dental Hygienist in 2017.
Through patient education, Stacey strives to help her patients understand and improve their oral health. Stacey truly cares about her patients and wants them to feel comfortable during their dental visits. She also likes getting to know her patients personally, and developing lasting relationships.

In her spare time, Stacey enjoys spending quality time with her husband Reggie, reading and being silly with her daughter Olivia, as well as playing with their two dogs Milo and Cooper.


Hi, I’m Sophea. Originally from Seattle, WA, I’ve been living in Arizona for nearly two years. I’m the patient care coordinator at Eye Love Smiles and have been part of the dental field for five years, including over a year working with Dr. Ngo. I have a dog named Chowder.

When I’m not at work, I enjoy reading, attending concerts, discovering new brunch spots on weekends, and being pampered by my husband.


Photo of CassandraHi, I’m Cassandra, a dental assistant at Eye Love Smiles. My responsibilities involve patient care, supporting Dr. Ngo, and keeping our workspace clean. I relocated to Arizona a few years ago from Northern California to be nearer to my family.

In my free time, I enjoy arts and crafts, watching movies, and spending quality time with loved ones and animals.


Photo of MyaHi, I’m Mya! I’m originally from Ohio, and I’m a big fan of green and pink. I also have a passion for Sci-Fi movies. When I’m not working, I love spending time with my family, enjoying the outdoors, and playing the piano. I’ve been working in the dental field for about two years now and am thrilled to support Dr. Ngo and our team in ensuring you feel confident with your smile. Looking forward to seeing you soon!