What Parents Need To Know About Thumb Sucking
Thumb sucking is normal for infants, but many parents wonder about its effect on their child’s future dental health.
Thumb sucking is normal for infants, but many parents wonder about its effect on their child’s future dental health.
Accidents always seem to happen when we least expect them. When those accidents involve tooth damage, it’s important to know what steps to take.
We want our patients to know that coming in to see us every six months isn’t just to make sure you don’t have cavities; it can actually save your life.
Sudden Toothaches are painful and far from convenient in today’s busy world.
Many parents have heard their children (loudly) grinding their teeth while they sleep at night, or even during waking hours.
Good Nutrition is essential for a child's healthy growth and development. It's also important for their dental health!
Tooth enamel has the pretty cool reputation of being the hardest substance in the human body. So it may come as a surprise to know that while enamel is super tough, it can also break quite easily!
There are many forms of self-expression, art, writing, fashion, even body piercing. When it comes to oral piercings, however–such as lip, labret, cheek and tongue piercings–it’s important to know all the risks involved.
You're sitting in the dental chair, everything going as planned at your checkup, until your dentist tells you that you have gingivitis. If you haven’t heard of gingivitis before you’re probably thinking, “What is gingivitis? Is it serious? Is it treatable?”
With all the amazing technology we see today, it's easy to overlook the small wonders of the world—like the toothbrush!