How Everyday Habits Affect Your Teeth
Tooth enamel has the pretty cool reputation of being the hardest substance in the human body. So it may come as a surprise to know that while enamel is super tough, it can also break quite easily!
Tooth enamel has the pretty cool reputation of being the hardest substance in the human body. So it may come as a surprise to know that while enamel is super tough, it can also break quite easily!
There are many forms of self-expression, art, writing, fashion, even body piercing. When it comes to oral piercings, however–such as lip, labret, cheek and tongue piercings–it’s important to know all the risks involved.
You're sitting in the dental chair, everything going as planned at your checkup, until your dentist tells you that you have gingivitis. If you haven’t heard of gingivitis before you’re probably thinking, “What is gingivitis? Is it serious? Is it treatable?”
With all the amazing technology we see today, it's easy to overlook the small wonders of the world—like the toothbrush!
We've all been told (and many of us tell our children) that milk builds strong bones. But our nutritional and dietary preferences are not only widely varied, they also change from time to time.
Ever think about how great your saliva is? Probably not. We’d love to enlighten you! Saliva has an all-important role in your oral and digestive health.
Did you know that stress can have an effect on your oral health? As if you needed any more on your plate!
While most people have thirty-two permanent teeth that develop (including the wisdom teeth) some people’s permanent teeth never grow in at all.
We dentists make a pretty big deal about fluoride and how good it is for your teeth.
The truth is, our teeth are amazing! Without them we wouldn’t be able to speak, eat, sing, or smile properly.